Java is one of the oldest. Java was created by Sun Microsystems in 1995, and many of its original features are still intact. The code for Java programs uses a syntax that is different from other programming languages like C++, JavaScript, and C#. F
or anyone who wants to learn Java or wants to refresh on Java basics, this article will help you get started. Whether you’re looking for information on syntax or methods, this article has it all!
Java Programming Language
Java is a programming language that was created by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It’s been around so long and has been used so many times, and you may think it’s the only programming language there is.
Java is a powerful and popular programming language with many features that make it different from other languages like C++, JavaScript, and C#.
Java programming uses a syntax that is different from other languages. Java uses curly braces { } to start and end blocks of code, semicolons; to separate statements and parentheses () for grouping expressions or literals.
Java has a rigid syntax with a clear distinction between keywords and identifiers. Keywords are reserved words that have special meaning in Java. Identifiers are variable names, method names, class names, etc.
For example:
public final int height = 100; // keyword “public”
public string name = “N/A”; // keyword “public”
private String lastName = “N/A”; // keyword “private”
Variables and Data Types
Java doesn’t have a predefined set of data types. There are two principal data classes in Java—Primitive Data Types and Reference Data Types. Primitive data types are the basic building blocks of Java, but reference data types allow programmers to store values in variables or objects.
Java is an object-oriented programming language, so it relies heavily on objects. The most basic type of operator in Java is the assignment operator, which assigns a value to a variable or expression. The notation for assigning the value of one expression to another is “=”, and it can be used with whole numbers, integers, floating-point numbers, strings, and other types.
If you want to assign a whole number to a variable called “value,” you would write:
int value = 5
However, if you wanted to assign the value 1.5 to “value,” you would write:
float value = 1.5f
You can also use this operator for variables that hold other data types like strings and boolean values.
For example:
String name = “Zachary”;
String favoriteColor = “red”;
boolean hungry = true;
To keep things simple, we’ll focus on integers and floats.
Control Flow Statements
There are two categories of control flow statements: conditional and iterative. Conditional statements allow you to check the state of a program and execute different lines of code based on the result.
The most common conditional statement is the if-then-else statement which looks like this:
if (something) {
} else {
An example of a conditional statement is a counter that counts from 1 to 10.
Here’s what it could look like in Java:
int i = 1;
Methods for programming in Java
Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. It can be used to create any type of application, but Java is most commonly used to create applications for the web and desktop environments. Java code has two types of statements: statements and expressions.
Expressions do not produce any value or output; they are evaluated for their side effects (for example, changing the values of variables). Statements may produce a result (for example, printing text on the screen). The examples given here will use statements because they’re usually easier to understand than expressions.
In this section, we’ll cover some of the most common methods that programmers use when creating Java programs. Methods are just like functions or subroutines – they specify a set of commands that perform a specific task. In Java programs, methods often have parameters – information that tells the method what to do.
Here’s an example:
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(“Hello World!”);
The “main” method in this program displays a message on the screen using the “println” statement. “main” is the name of the method; “args” is an array containing.
Objects and Classes
Java is an object-oriented programming language. This means that all data is stored inside objects.
Java has two types of objects in Java: classes and instances. The difference is that classes exist before they are instantiated, while instances come into being when they are created using a class. A great way to think about this is by thinking of classes as blueprints for something that can be built and instances as the things built from those blueprints.
Every object in Java has one parent class; all other classes are subclasses of the primary class. When it comes to naming conventions, there are no set rules, but most developers opt for CamelCase or PascalCase when naming their primary class (for example, Dog).
The original design goals for Java were to enable the development of software that had a consistent look and feel, regardless of the underlying hardware. This led to the many features of the language, such as full object orientation, exceptions, and public access to members of classes. Java is considered to be one of the largest programming languages in use due to its widespread use on the web, on application servers, and embedded devices.