Filtration is a very vital step in many industrial processes, especially in both the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. That is why these industries regularly employ new and existing methods and equipment to keep this process running smoothly. Otherwise, things can go askew very quickly.
The process of filtration works for a diverse range of applications that it is almost considered omnipresent. With that being said, here are some applications of filtration equipment in these industries.
The process of filtration plays a very crucial role in removing any harmful biological agents, allergens, odor compounds, and pollutants present in raw materials like water, gases, and other chemicals used in manufacturing pharmaceuticals and chemical products before and during the production process. This ensures that the end products meet the set standards and that they are safe enough to be released into the market.
When it comes to technology as far as purification methods and equipment are concerned, both industries ensure that they use new and the most efficient ones to keep this process going. One of the most extensively used methods is the use of activated carbon filters (be sure to check out the best activated carbon filters at
Carbon filters are known to effectively purify the biodiesel, amino acids, and other pharmaceutical ingredients used in pharmaceutical industries as well as other raw materials used in chemical industries.
Protection of other equipment
Apart from purification, filtration equipment is responsible for protecting other expensive and complex equipment used in these industries. It prevents any hazardous materials from clogging other machinery used in manufacturing pharmaceuticals and chemical products, therefore preventing any malfunctioning and ultimately extending the machinery’s life.
General Environmental and Personnel Safety
When it comes to safety and quality, filtration equipment plays a very important role in several areas. For starters, they prevent any cross-contamination between the harmful agents and both the pharmaceutical and chemical products. Of course, the equipment will remove any contaminants from the raw materials, but keeping them from getting into contact with the final products helps maintain their quality.
The filtration equipment also acts as protective barriers that prevent any hazardous by-products like acids, viruses, soap, dyes contained in either smoke or wastewater that was accumulated during the manufacturing process from being released into the environment.
The equipment reduces or completely removes these pollutants before reintroducing the water or smoke into the ecosystem. This further prevents water, air and soil pollution as well as any health complications among the personnel as well as the community outside.
Also, this equipment ensures that the industries meet and maintain the set safety standards set by the necessary agencies, by preventing any of the harmful agents extracted from the raw materials get into contact with or inhaled by the industries’ personnel. Also, the equipment holds or rather contains the contaminants such as dust and gas that would otherwise cause fire or explosions.
Separation of materials
For the other machinery in these industries to function properly and produce high-quality products, filtration equipment isolates gas, dust, oil, dirt, solids from one another materials throughout the manufacturing process.
For starters, this prevents any of these materials, which may be harmful from coming into contact with the final product. It also helps in getting rid of any agents that may have come into contact with the products and prevent the raw materials from getting mixed up together during the manufacturing process.
The industrial separation process also helps in recovering any primary by-products and recycling of any solvents and other unconverted reactants.
Filtration equipment ensures that there is a smooth and continuous operation flow in the industries. For starters, the equipment plays a couple of roles. For instance, purification and separation of raw materials and final products from any harmful contaminants, protecting other machinery from malfunctioning due to clogging by the contaminants, preventing any hazardous materials from being released into the environment, and getting into contact with employees.
This ensures that there is no interruption during the manufacturing process, resulting in reduced processing or manufacturing time and production of top-notch quality products.
Reduction of overall operation and maintenance costs
Filtration equipment significantly reduces the industries’ operational costs. First and foremost, there will be fewer repairs of other equipment required because the equipment prevents any materials from clogging them. Also, most of the filtration equipment have a self-cleaning system, therefore the industries will not undergo the costs of maintaining them.
Also, less employee intervention will be required since the equipment will be performing a bigger portion of the tasks, therefore in some way, the industries will not spend as much on man power. Thanks to ever-advancing technology, both industries can explore new filtration equipment that will enable them to cut back on energy costs and improve their entire manufacturing process.
In addition, the industries can reduce both the water and electricity costs by recycling the waste materials and water gathered by the filter equipment and use them as sources of electricity and water to manufacture the products.
Reduction of manufacturing time and production of high-quality products
Last but not least, filtration equipment reduces the time spent in manufacturing products and ultimately helps both industries produce high-quality products. The equipment does remove harmful contaminants from raw materials and the final products, therefore saving the employees’ time that they would have otherwise spent doing all that.
Also, the equipment performs every task thoroughly, including the purification of raw materials and final products and complete isolation of these pollutants from the products, resulting in the production and releasing of high-quality products into the market.
Wrapping up
Recent studies have shown that the emergence of filtration equipment has benefited not just the pharmaceutical and chemical industries but also many other industries. Recent statistics have it that the global industrial filtration market is expected to rise to an estimated 41 billion dollars by 2026. With the several types of filtration equipment in the market, the choice of equipment by a particular industry will depend on a couple of factors.