An Attractive Website Can Be Just The Thing To Boost Your Business In 2020


Images catch our attention. We are now more image-oriented than ever, drawn toward what catches the eye. Design teams put a lot of emphasis into gaining and keeping visitor’s attention, trying to keep them on the page as long as possible. While it is no surprise that a carefully thought out page design can make this happen, there are a few other tricks of the trade that will make your page more attractive while growing your business exponentially.

 In a recent Harvard study, researchers were curious as to what makes customers buy from one website over another. While several theories were thrown around, the results were surprisingly simple; customers want to feel safe. They stay close to sites that look presentable and clean, with just the right amount of pizzazz to not look sketchy. Those that were observed were shown to take a keen liking to sites that were easy to navigate, with precise destinations and visible icons. Pages with product transparency and clear, honest customer reviews got the most action, turning the wheels of the researchers as to how developers could use this for their future web page designs.

5 Tips to Increase your Business

How exactly can this information be combined with trends to get your business growing? We’ve got the scoop on the top 5 things you can do to start seeing an increase in business and website interaction in no time.

  • Boost your Landing Page

Don’t just go for an ugly old site or paste any old YouTube video on your page, make it a good one. It is no secret that using the help of video when designing a web page is attractive, generally keeping your visitors on-site longer. Creating a video landing page is a unique way to showcase your company and your products making them come to life, add a video right on the homepage that begins to flirt with your visitor’s eyes as soon as they give your page a visit.

  • Take Advantage of Increasing Laziness

We know, this sounds kind of bad, but the truth is, people are lazy. Technology and the influx of information we hold in the palm of our hands day in and day out has done something to us, creating a lazy and sloth-like creature in the process. Thanks to this evolutionary adaption, parallax scrolling can provide a sure way to catch your visitor’s attention without them having to lift a finger. Think of it as your only chance to come face to face with future clients, one that should be taken advantage of. A sharp focus on tasteful design and eye-catching graphics is a sure way to see more business coming your way.

  • Tell them What They Want

There is not a site left on the web that doesn’t come with some sort of call to action. We see them all around, ‘click here,’ ‘call now,’ ‘buy now.’ The thing is, these cheesy things work but, they could use a facelift to get the best use out of the old and traditional call to action, take yours to the next level with interactive animation, one that will give your visitor an eye-opening experience. Think about the feelings social media produces, showing its users small fun icons that take on different meanings. There are reasons people can’t put their phones down, so take a look at what’s already working and make it work for you!

  • Get in Touch with your Creative Side

As we said, web-surfers these days are all about the design. Bright colors, moving and animated objects, unique shapes, and cutting-edge design are all things that tend to keep visitors on your page longer. Take advantage of this news, putting a fun twist on the boring old text and designs of the past. Highlight your slogan with a unique font and color combo or create a logo that incorporates your style, anything that will catch and hold the eye.

  • Reach Out

Technology has the reputation of making us less social, making those who are frequent users less comfortable with real human interaction. Still, we are human, and communication with others is something that we both need and crave. Incorporating a bit of AI into your site is a great way to make your visitors feel welcome. It shows your excitement for the presence and for visiting your website, giving them a special feeling when they’re greeted. Apart from that, it also shows the intelligence of your website, adding a bit more edge and just that extra amount of trust they need to turn from prospect to client. Take it from some of the experts, who have incorporated chatbots that now interact better than ever, using memes and emojis to show off their ‘personality’ in the process.

Keep them Coming Back for More

Putting the focus on the design, layout, and user experience of your web page can work wonders for your products and grow your business. Incorporating the five steps mentioned above, you’re sure to start seeing a bump in business, attracting more attention in the process. Create a design and a space that users will be bragging about, attempting to give them something unlike they’ve ever seen. At the end of the day, when brainstorming the next design of your web site, you should always:

  • Make client comfortability a top priority
  • Represent your brand
  • Create interactive advertisements
  • Give visitors clear and easy to find information

Studies have shown that customers’ attention is only in the hands of the advertiser for 6 seconds. At 6 seconds, this is when the average human brain begins to wander, deciding whether or not the information at hand is worthy of their continued attention. Taking the time to carefully create a crisp layout that is attractive and calls to your users is a sure way to boost business. Attractive and eye-catching details are now more critical than ever, bringing with it a sense of trustworthiness that will always lead customers to buy more.